These are a few of the pages I have completed for the
Sketchbook Project. What is this project, you ask? Well, it is a large endeavor put together by Art House Co-op. Anyone can participate. You only have to order a small sketchbook from them, with a theme...either chosen by you or assigned by them. I read about it in a magazine and decided to check it out. The plan is that all these participating sketchbooks will tour the country, and will ultimately reside in the
Brooklyn Art Library, 201 Richards St #16, Brooklyn, NY.
The theme for my sketchbook is " I'm a scavenger". This suites me perfectly, as I am truly a scavenger. I collect "things" where ever I go. They may be man-made or of nature, but like a crow, I snatch them up and bring them with me to the studio. The only problem I have encountered is that right after I received my sketchbook in the mail, I promptly "lost" it. And, as the saying goes..."out of sight, out of mind." That was way back in July. I managed to "uncover" it in September, and have been occasionally working on it since. I decided to use acrylic medium to "glue" pages together, so that I would have half as many to do, since time became a factor. I also tried some gesso on a few pages, and that really has helped with any water media I have chosen. The paper in the book is rather thin.
This has been a fun and learning experience for me. It was hard at first, to look at this BLANK book and not freeze-up, so I decided to just dive in there, right or wrong. A scary prospect. It was also difficult knowing that I will not be the ultimate owner of this book. So, I decided to forget about that, knowing that I can take pictures, and document my work.
Are any of you involved in this project? I would love to hear what you are doing with your little book. In the meantime, stay tuned for more updates. It needs to be postmarked by January 15th, so things will be happening quickly here in Studio 202.