Saturday, November 5, 2011


 Time.Such a simple word, yet such a huge concept. Time. Do we ever have enough of it? Have you ever found yourself wishing for a few extra hours in the day? I recently asked my husband upon rising, what he had going on....he replied, "I have 8 hours of work to get done in 4 hours". As the days are getting shorter, I personally long for more daylight hours.

 This brings me to my next question: tomorrow, as we change from Daylight Savings Time to Eastern Standard Time, what will you do with your extra hour of time? Each one of us will be "gifted" with 60 extra shall we use them?

 My intention is to do something productive, as opposed to sleeping it away.By that I mean, create some art work or enjoy a hike in the woods.

 We aren't guaranteed anytime in this brief life time, so maybe it is more important to be present and be aware in this very moment. By practicing mindfulness, perhaps I won't miss out on one second of that extra hour.

What do you think? How will you spend your gift of time? I'd love to here your thoughts.....


  1. Today was a spectacular gift...I spent most of it with a budding young beautiful Maya Rose. She just lights up my soul! peace, Mary Helen

  2. Creating! ~ my home, my dog walking, meditating, time with friends and family
